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Developmental Spelling Assessment (DSA), Grades 3-5

A differentiated approach to instruction and assessment of spelling is used in grades 3-5 in the elementary school.  In these grades we refer to spelling instruction and learning as word study.  Word study refers to the idea of an alternative method to traditional spelling instruction based on learning the patterns of words rather than using memorization techniques.  The DSA program exposes students to a more systematic approach to studying word patterns, structures, and the interplay of sound and pattern relationships at his/her individually determined level of spelling development (letter name, within word pattern, syllable juncture, and derivational constancy).  This type of instruction facilities a cohesive approach to addresses word recognition, vocabulary and phonics as well as spelling (Zutell, 1992).  The development spelling model allows children to focus on word study using a hands-on approach to word structure investigation to learning word spellings instead of relying on memorization skills while completing weekly spelling tests.  

To read more about word study instruction click the link below:

On the right hand side of our school Web page, under Links, you will find several resources for on line games and practice activities that will assist your child in his/her word study.  

Toward the bottom of our school Web page, under School Information, you will find a file folder titled Word Study, in which you can access additional helpful documents pertaining to Word Study instruction at Kirtland Elementary School.

Article Explaining Word Study

beginning and ending blends

beginning digraphs

final digraphs

interactive word sort game

long e and u practice

Long Vowel Sorting

Look, cover, write, and check practice

r controlled vowels practice

See N Spell Games

Vowel Diagrams

vowel dipthongs: oi, oy, and ew

vowel dipthongs: ou, ow

Word Builder Spelling Practice

Word Family Sort

Working With Words