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Kirtland High School Newsletter - 11/22/24

Dear KHS Families,

Our Sophomores took a valuable trip to Auburn Career Center this past Wednesday. We appreciate that college may not be the pathway for all students, so I’m hopeful the trip sparked career interest for some. If you are a Freshman or Sophomore parent and would like more information on Auburn Programs, please click here, or reach out to our counselors. 

We have a two day week next week, which will lead us into Thanksgiving Break. I hope you all have an enjoyable Thanksgiving week with friends and family.


Upcoming Events:

11/27 - 12/2 - Thanksgiving Break 

Tuesday 12/3 - Choir Concert (7pm in the KMS Gym)

Monday 12/16 - Board of Education Meeting (7pm in the The Forum)

Weds 12/18 - Fri 12/20 - 2nd quarter Benchmark exams (details to come soon)

12/21 - 1/6 - Winter Break 


Have a great weekend and Go Hornets!



Victor Puskas, KHS Principal