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KES Newsletter - 12/1/24

Kirtland Elementary School ??????

Mrs. Needham's class learning about animals.
1st grade solving addition problems during IE.
Mrs. Meleski's class showing off their Writing Revolution progress!

Hello KES Families,


Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! There will be no school tomorrow. We will start Rockin' Around the Tree at KES by being festive for the last 14 days until Winter Break. Please see the attached calendar below for more details. We are also having students predict the first "Snow" day. Please have your child guess on the link. We will be taking predictions to December 8th. If we have a snow day before December 8th it won't count for the competition.


On Wednesday, December 4, we will have our first KES Maker's Faire. Please join us from 5:00-7:00 in the KES gym as our little entrepreneurs show off and sell their merchandise. After shopping, please join us for the KES Choir Concert that will be preformed by our 5th graders.


On Friday, December 6, we will have a district-wide PEP Rally for our Kirtland Football team. Please have your child wear blue & gold to celebrate our football team going to the State Championship on Saturday.


We are collecting festive trees/wreaths for our "Deck the Halls", which will start on December 9th and run until December 20th. Please consider creating a wreath or tree for the raffle.


We will start benchmarking students the week of December 9th. Students will be completing mClass and MAP. Please make sure students get enough sleep and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning so they can do their personal best on these benchmarking assessments.


The KES Santa Shop will be the week of December 9th. Classrooms will have a preview day and then a buying day. More details will be sent home this week.


Our annual Christmas Carol performance for parents will be December 12th at 7:00 PM.


If your child is missing any belongings, please have them visit the Lost & Found outside the Main Office. All items will be donated if they are not claimed by December 20th.


Student Council is collecting can goods for The Kirtland Area Service Council until December 5th. Each classroom is being asked to donate certain items. Please see the list that is attached below for more details.


For PBIS in December, we are focusing on being "Trustworthy". What does it mean to be "Trustworthy"?

  • Treat others with kindness and respect
  • Do your own work
  • Own up to your mistakes instead of blaming others
  • Respect each other’s boundaries and personal property
  • Be a good role model


To show that they are "Trustworthy", students can wear red on Tuesdays during the month of December.


Classroom Hornet Trait Trophy Winners from November 22nd:

K = Ms. Turk

1 = Mrs. Needham

2 = Mrs. Williams

3 = Mrs. Molchen

4 = Mrs. Covelli

5 = Mrs. Denton


Hornet Trait Weekly Winners from November 22nd:

K = Monty, Grady, Julia, & Luca

1 = Nick, Anica, & Carmine

2 = Rose, Camden, Ethan, & Matthew

3 = Riley, Autumn, Summer, & Brady

4 = Molly, Sebastian, Lilly V, & Teagan

5 = Nate, Marlena, Logan, & Layla


I know how important birthdays are to students but we cannot bring in food items to share with classmates. The KES Health and Wellness Group, consisting of teachers, administration, the school nurse and parents, have had discussions on ways to promote health and still have fun at school. We do not allow food items at school to celebrate a child’s birthday. At KES, teachers will continue to recognize students’ birthdays in their own unique ways and parents can send in non-edible items to share with classmates to recognize their child’s birthday. We believe this change has many benefits:


  1. Limit Disruptions. Birthday treats often arrived at various times of the day and many times this resulted in limited time and/or inopportune time for disbursement. If parents and caregivers choose to send in a non-food item such as stickers, pencils, a book, etc. for their child to share with classmates in recognition of his or her birthday, it can simply be sent in a backpack and the teacher can use a set time during the day to have the child share it.

  2. Safety and Feeling Included. We are experiencing an increase in the number of students with food related allergies at KES. Often these children feel left out when they can’t have a food item or “treat” that the rest of the class can enjoy.


Please do not send balloons to school. This request is based on latex allergies and the danger they pose on the school bus. I am sorry for any inconvenience but moving forward there will be no birthday treats.


The weather outside is getting colder. We will be going outside as much as possible to get fresh air and to move around. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate outside attire. Students need to wear a coat, hat, and gloves during cooler weather.


If your child is sick, please keep them home so they can rest, get better, and not spread germs. If students go home sick with a fever or throwing up, they must stay home for 24 hours to make sure they are fully recovered. Please remind your child to wash their hands frequently to help reduce germs.


Students are not allowed to bring phones and/or smart watches to school. They can be a distraction and we do not want anything misplaced or lost.


When students visit the nurse, an automated email will be sent to families to let them know when and why the student was in the Nurse's Office.


Please report all transportation changes by 2:00 pm so we can make sure the students receive the updated information.


If you are sending checks in for fees or lunches, please make sure you write separate checks because they go into different accounts.


Please keep all toys at home unless a teacher has directed other wise. We want to make sure students are not distracted by their toys and we want to prevent lost toys.


All visitors must stop in the Main Office to receive a visitor's badge and all volunteers need to be fingerprinted.


Important Dates:

December 4 - Maker's Faire 5:00-7:00/5th Grade Choir Concert 6:30


December 9-13 -Deck the Halls, Christmas Carol, & Santa Shop


December 9-13 mClass & MAP Benchmarking Assessments


December 11 - K-Kids/Board of Education Meeting


December 12 - Christmas Carol Play 7:00 PM


December 23-January 6 - Winter Break


Here is a link for the 2024-2025 District Calendar


If you have any questions, please call or email me anytime.



Missy Godina



Kirtland Elementary Principal

Parent volunteer working with Kindergarten students!
Mrs. Needham's class learning about animals.


Kirtland Public Library News
pdf How to Access the KES Report Card Digitally.pdf
pdf 24-25 ESC Flyer .pdf
pdf Parent 24-25 calendar v3.pdf
Kirtland Elementary School

Kirtland Elementary School


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