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KES Newsletter - 9/8/24

Kirtland Elementary School

Students in 2nd Grade enjoying their Paul Bunyan Flapjacks.
Work together and be kind!
1st grade using counters to practice their adding.

Hello KES Families,


Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and watching the Browns. Congratulations to our Hornet's football team for their big victory on Friday against Perry! Final score was 22-21!


This week we will kickoff our Walk-A-Thon Spirit Week. Please see the flyer below to see how students can participate.


On Wednesday, 9/11, we will celebrate our Local Heroes by wearing red, white and blue and having a "First Responders" parade in their honor.


Please mark your calendars for Friday, September 13th from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. for our 10th Annual Kirtland Elementary School Walk-A-Thon! Join students, faculty, staff, families and friends for this fun and healthy event as we walk the high school track before the KHS home football game. Funds from the event will go towards technology software, grade level field trips, new musical instruments, art supplies, library books, sensory equipment, and individual classroom needs. We hope to raise at least $15,000 to help fund these projects. Students will begin walking during their Physical Education classes starting tomorrow. Each student is asked to raise at least $25.00-$50.00 from sponsors. KES will also have a spirit week to promote the event. To make a donation, please click on the link below.


The top overall class will win a pizza party! Each grade will compete against each other to earn a popsicle party AND an extra recess. Fun prizes will be awarded the night of the WAT. All contributions need to be made by Sunday, September 15th at midnight on the website to count towards the class prizes.


PBIS is up and running at KES! At the beginning of each school year, the PBIS HORNET traits are explicitly taught in all classrooms using the prepared lessons and classroom discussions. Once all lessons have been taught, each grade level is assigned a specific Hornet trait to represent through a skit, song, or other activity which is recorded. The video is then shown at our first All-School Morning Meeting to officially kick off our PBIS year next Thursday, Sept 19! It will then be posted for all on our website!


Every Friday, we randomly select a few Hornet Ticket winners from K-5 to receive a prize! Check the newsletter each week for their names! The last Friday of every month, a student who has been an exceptional leader in demonstrating the Hornet Trait of the month will be selected by their homeroom teacher to sit at the VIP Hornet lunch table.


Congratulations to our Hornet Trait winners for the week!

Kindergarten: Elliot, Jack, Drew, & Henry

1st Grade: Matthew, Annabel, & Emme

2nd Grade: Cooper, Jake, Everly, & Ben

3rd Grade: Ricky, Azrael, Isla, & Grant

4th Grade: Lilly, Molly, Franklin, & Noah

5th Grade: Henry, Ava, Nico, & Olivia


Please see their picture below and the attached PBIS newsletter for more information!



During the month of September on Tuesdays, each grade levels will wear certain colors to represent the different Hornet Traits.


Hardworking- K= Orange

Open-Minded- 1st= Yellow

Responsible - 2nd= Green

Noble - 3rd=Red

Engaged - 4th=Purple

Trustworthy 5th= Blue



This week we will start our routine vision & hearing screenings for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd & 5th graders. You will be notified if your child does not pass. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. Formichelli, Mrs. Koeth or Mr. Terry in the clinic. They can be reached at (440) 256-3344 x2006 or via email [email protected].


Please report all transportation changes by 2:00 pm so we can make sure the students receive the updated information.


If you are sending checks in for fees or lunches, please make sure you write separate checks because they go into different accounts.


Please keep all toys at home unless a teacher has directed other wise. We want to make sure students are not distracted by their toys and we want to prevent lost toys.


All visitors must stop in the Main Office to receive a visitor's badge and all volunteers need to be fingerprinted.


The first PTA meeting will be on September 10th at 7:00 PM at Tavern Six, please join us if you can.


Important Dates:

September 9 - Walk-A-Thon Spirit Week


September 9 - Hearing & Vision Screening


September 10 - PTA Meeting at Tavern Six 7:00 pm



September 13 - KES Walk-A-Thon 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


September 16- Start with "HELLO" Spirit Week


September 16 - Chick-fil-A Fundraiser for STEAM


September 23 - No School (Teacher PD Day)


Here is a link for the 2024-2025 District Calendar.


Looking forward to a great week. If you have any questions, please call or email me anytime.



Missy Godina


Kirtland Elementary Principal

KES Walk-A-Thon Spirit Week
Chik-fil-A STEAM Fundraiser
Start with HELLO Spirit Week
5th Grade students using the Abriana Wellness Center for a break!
A 1st grader creating a bird during her Makers Space.
Students in Mrs. McBrayer's math class playing 5 in a Row to practice their multiplication facts.
pdf PBIS Newsletter 9.8.24.pdf
pdf WAT Spirit Week 2024.pdf
pdf Kirtland Public Library Youth Events September 2024.docx.pdf
pdf Parent 24-25 calendar v3.pdf
Kirtland Elementary School

Kirtland Elementary School


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Missy Godina, Principal
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