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| | Welcome to the Kirtland Schools’ Key Communicator e-newsletter. We hope to use this tool as a two-way form of communication to share the good news going on in our classrooms, and also provide you with facts in the event of negative situations. We hope you will act as informal communications liaisons with the community and let us know what you’re hearing so we can proactively provide you with the facts of what’s happening in your schools. Thank you for your support! Our Vision: Provide a personalized education for all students. Our Mission: We educate students to be empowered citizens. | | |  |  | |
The commendations section of the Board of Education Meeting started the evening on a very positive note.
Mr. VanArnhem recognized the students, staff and first responders who helped a student who had a very serious medical emergency at school during March 13, 2024. Here is a link to what was shared and who was honored: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pyhiWZBfb2UGqtQb0VKtN3wmw42UEytOvg3SD4h5ftc/edit?usp=sharing
Mr. Puskas reviewed the different qualifications for what it takes to be an AP Scholar. He then recognized these students for their tremendous accomplishments. See the description of the achievement, the students that attained them and their pictures below.
Mr Puskas and Mrs. Nagaj spoke about four teachers that were up for a continuing contract. The Board voted and approved the following teachers: Alex Ardo, Jamie Filla, Katherine Lafferty and Alexa Tarasco. The Board approved Ms. Kristen Schutte, our pupil service director, for a new three year contract. Please use this link to read what was shared about them: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zmy9lVbjEvNaWLZuIM3r09T40k5yYOr_RdZPiYiuKP0/edit?usp=sharing
The Board also voted and approved three new teachers for the 2-24-2025 school year. See their pictures below. Steven Milazzatto was approved to be the new Computer Science teacher.
Kim Ruggeri was approved to be the new business teacher.
Tim Florjancic was approved to be the band teacher in grades 5-12. |  | AP Scholars | Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. Congratulations to Maksimilyan Clipov, Knox Crisci, Clare Davidson, Grace Mastrangelo, Sylvia Vosicky, Leah Appell, Daniel Booth, Claire Dumstorff, Sophia LaVerde, Nina Loncar, Penelope McFadden, Nishaan Meet, and Katherine Reynolds.
 | AP Scholars with Distinction | Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. Congratulations to, Daniel Bak, Nickolas Barisic, William Bradshaw, Stephanie Drazetic, Andrew Duncan, Vincent Eveland, Adriana Freitas, Dakota Schaum, Anand Sundararajan, Lily Whittaker, and Eleanor Withrow. |
 | AP Scholars with Honors | Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. Congratulations to Jack Green and Vincent Kastelic. |
|  | Tim Florjancic | New band teacher in grades 5-12 for the 2024-2025 school year. |
 | Kim Ruggeri | New business teacher at KHS for the 2024-2025 school year. |
 | Steven Milazzatto | New computer science teacher at KHS for the 2024-2025 school year. |
| | Mr. VanArnhem stated that we are excited for all of the fun activities that take place in the last grading period. He said that the administration is actively hiring for a few other open positions and hope to have them on the May Board Agenda.
The Kirtland Local Schools were recently recognized by the Department of Education and Workforce. Both KHS and KES were awarded five stars and KMS received the Momentum Award. Use this link for more details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u0FxeCSQdovMDdXeE214EbDgJz0IqdGc/view?usp=drive_link | | The Board voted to approve the following superintendent recommendations: - Exceptional Kids Therapy Services, a speech pathologist agreement with the University of Akron, Frontline Contracts, ESC of WR addendum and new agreement, LEAF renewal, ESC administrative coaching contract, transportation for two students deemed impractical to transport, a bus purchase, NCSSA agreement for the treasurer, HR and payroll services, a reduction in force notice, a first reading of policy and second reading of policy.
*attachments to these items can be found on the district website: https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/kirt/Board.nsf/Public. | | The Kirtland Local Schools are known for academic excellence and strong community support, and have been recognized nationally and statewide for educational achievement. The district also maintains a long tradition of distinction in a variety of extracurricular activities. The Board of Education provides open and thoughtful fiscal management of the community’s investment in the school district’s high quality educational program by ensuring every dollar spent benefits students and the community. The strategic plan for the Kirtland Local Schools can be found at: https://www.kirtlandschools.org/Downloads/Kirtland%20Strategic%20Plan%20with%20Chart.pdf |  | Chad VanArnhem Chad is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters |