Key Communicator - 1/30/24



Key Communicator Kirtland Local Schools Update

January 30, 2024


Welcome to the Kirtland Schools’ Key Communicator e-newsletter. We hope to use this tool as a two-way form of communication to share the good news going on in our classrooms, and also provide you with facts in the event of negative situations. We hope you will act as informal communications liaisons with the community and let us know what you’re hearing so we can proactively provide you with the facts of what’s happening in your schools. Thank you for your support! 

Our Vision: Provide a personalized education for all students.

Our Mission: We educate students to be empowered citizens.




School Board Appreciation Month

At the January 29th Board meeting, Mr. VanArnhem recognized the Board of Education for their ongoing support and dedication to our students. He stated that we are fortunate to have such a child-centered group of leaders and ensure our students get a strong and well-rounded education. The stability and support they provide helps our district continue to move forward in a positive direction. Thank you Josh Hayes (President), Shannon Green (Vice President), Matt Whittaker, Jonathan Withrow and Sheila Dikowicz! Here is a video for the Board produced by KHS student Knox Crisci:

Superintendent Report


Mr. VanArnhem started with a discussion on calamity days. He clarified that a variety of factors are analyzed and the priority is always safety. The goal is to have our students in front of their teachers, but there are times when safety trumps this goal and a calamity day is called. Mr. VanArnhem explained that school closures may occur for a variety of issues that include heavy snowfall, hazardous road conditions, freezing rain, power outages, or dangerous wind chills. Occasionally, a combination of these factors leads to the decision to declare a calamity day. He explained that he begins the decision-making process well before 5:30 am. The choice is made in consultation with our transportation supervisor and the service department for updates on road conditions.

As parents, if you believe that weather conditions pose a risk to your children's safety and schools remain open, you have the option to keep them at home. With that being said, the district has had five calamity days to date. After the seventh calamity day, the district will move to remote learning. Details will be communicated out as if we approach that seventh calamity day.

Mr. VanArnhem stated that the Kirtland Local Schools will be on the ballot on March 19th for a renewal levy. A renewal levy is not a tax increase. Factual information on the levy can be found on our website at

Superintendent Recommendations

The Board voted to approve the following superintendent recommendations:

  • A contract for a tour company for the marching band to travel to Disney World over spring break in 2025.
  • A College Credit Plus partnership agreement with Lakeland Community College.
  • A membership renewal with the Ohio High School Athletics Association
  • The preschool handbook for the 2024-2025 school year
  • The list of students deemed impractical to transport
  • An agreement for shared facility maintenance services
  • The KHS Program of Studies for the 2024-2025 school year
  • The purchase of two new wrestling mats

*attachments to these items can be found on the district website:

 The Kirtland Local Schools are known for academic excellence and strong community support, and have been recognized nationally and statewide for educational achievement. The district also maintains a long tradition of distinction in a variety of extracurricular activities. The Board of Education provides open and thoughtful fiscal management of the community’s investment in the school district’s high quality educational program by ensuring every dollar spent benefits students and the community. The strategic plan for the Kirtland Local Schools can be found at:

Chad VanArnhem's picture
Chad VanArnhem
Chad is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters
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