KHS Men’s Cross Country at State: Pride and Tradition

KHS Men’s Cross Country at State:  Pride and Tradition

1963:  John Lewis (‘64): 5th (all runners competed in a single race)

Dave Davies (‘64):  25th (all runners competed in a single race)

1966:  Class A (of two classes):  Runner up Ken Clark (‘67): 4th, Jim Parsons (‘67)

1968:  Class A Fourth Place

1969:  Class A Fourth Place:  Craig Krueger (‘70) 10th place

1973:  Greg Eversole (‘74):  11th place (three classes)

1977:  Class A Fourth Place:  Jim Davis (‘79) 17th place

1978:  Jim Davis (‘79):  Class AA state qualifier

1982:  Brian Stern (‘85):  Class AA state qualifier

1983:  Brian Stern (‘85):  12th place Class AA state meet

1984:  Brian Stern (‘85):  10th place Class AA state meet

1985:  Bill Seymour (‘88): 6th place Class AA All Ohio

Matt Luck (‘86):  state qualifier

1986:  Bill Seymour (‘88):  3rd place, All-Ohio. Team 6th

1987:  Fred Kieser (‘89):  8th place, All-Ohio.  Team 7th

1988:  Fred Kieser (‘89):  State Runner Up. Team 4th 

1989:  Jeff Raynor (‘91):  20th place, All-Ohio.  Team 10th

1990:  Jeff Raynor (‘91):  23rd place, All-Ohio.

1991:  Chris Sicvol (‘92):  state qualifier

1996:  Brad Geletka (‘99):  state qualifier

1997:  John Gallup (‘00):  state qualifier

1998:  Brad Geletka (‘99):  11th place, All-Ohio

1999:  John Gallup (‘00):  state qualified

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