Good Afternoon KES Families, It has been wonderful to see the students back in the building! They are engaged in learning in the classrooms and playing outside for recess! I want to send a few reminders regarding car rider drop off and pick up procedures so that we can be as efficient and safe as possible. Morning Drop-off: Our goal is to get the cars into the circle and through the unloading zone safely, while minimizing the backup of traffic on 306. Because there have been so many cars, we are allowing cars in both lanes of the circle, but we are only allowing students to exit the cars from the outside circle (closest to the building). A staff member will be there to direct traffic so that we get cars where they need to go and students into the building safely. Please help by making sure that your child is ready to get out of the car, mask on, bag in hand, etc. A staff member is happy to help any students who need assistance, but we must keep the line moving! Afternoon Pick-up:
Please have your name tag clearly visible in the front window and/or passenger side window of your car. If you don’t have one, let us know. We only allow students to get in the car in the loading zone. A staff member will be there to direct traffic so that we can keep the cars moving along. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to improve the traffic flow. We are moving many cars along in a very short period of time! Our main goal is to keep the students safe. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation! Katy Nagaj |